They wanted to throw in clones, aliens and blowing up the Earth in a crime game. It was also already on them that they messed up the original timeline to begin with too. If its about the growth of the Saints it makes sense for them to reboot rather than use an existing timeline with already peak level characters.

Why would they not get this after the backlash Gat dying got, and them changing Shaundi got? They got what they knew would happen but were caught up in trying to impress external onlookers with their "this can be you" marketing outside the fandom. They felt they were doing something great with this cast, despite them knowing how popular the older characters are. Them assuming that nobody would have had an issue with it was their mistake.

With this, they again just made the series for a younger pool of people yet again wanting this to relate to that hypothetical demographic. When have they cared about alienating fans? They didn't when they randomly changed Shaundi, they didn't when they added aliens, they didn't when they made a dumb Disney game, they didn't when making AOM when they expected the fans of SRTT and newcomers to like that wackier and wackier direction. Those fans feeling alienated is just what they told the older fans to get over and what Volition teased people with over why they just ignored Dex for so long, despite being asking. They haven't had an issue alienating their fandom since they went toward what made SRTT. If its about the growth of the Saints it makes sense for them to reboot rather than use an existing timeline with already peak level characters,they went as far as they could with em till we hit Fast & Furious levels of "fuck it" territory,new fans don't have to trip,old fans might trip but that's with any re-anything,and they get to show what they've learned in all these years with the franchise,either putting Saints Row back on the map or adding another nail into the coffin.įans should just be reasonable,it's too early to tell anything yet and the 2000s and 2010s fans should just accept it as another stage in the series,we're the ones who make the Saints who they are so maybe they'll play into that as far as gang drip customization and all that,could give everyone an option to get the vibe they feel is missing.

They may have miscalculated how people would receive the default crew presentation,but outside of the boss I can see everyone looking differently by the end of the story anyways. People just seem to forget a fair amount of people actually enjoyed 3,they could've regressed backwards sure but theyd be alienating fans of 3 as well,I know fans of the grittier tone are disappointed but we gotta think about the fandom as a whole,a middle ground was the best approach honestly,gives them a chance to take the best elements from both eras of the franchise and make something entirely new out it.