
Wow bfa tanking addons
Wow bfa tanking addons

wow bfa tanking addons

  • WIM – Improves the overall UI and Chat Experience in WoW.
  • wow bfa tanking addons

  • SavedInstances – Tracks Daily and Weekly Quests, Trade Skill Cooldowns and many other things that are helpful.
  • AtlasLoot Enhanced – Shows the possible loot from bosses.
  • Atlas– Provides players with World, Dungeon, Battleground and Raid Maps.
  • Bagnon– Helps player find items easier within their Inventory, Bank and Guild Vault.
  • wow bfa tanking addons

    Tank Stat Priority and Attributes Guide Files - Grid2 - Addons - Projects.

  • Postal – Makes managing your Mailbox easier Zygor Leveling Guide for wow 7.0.1 BFA 8.0.1 Best PVP/PVE Addon Pack DOWNLOAD.
  • WeakAuras 2– Allows players to more easily keep track of Buffs, Debuffs and other relevant information.
  • Recount– Similar to Details! Damage Meter but a more simple version that is more new player friendly and lite weight.
  • Details! Damage Meter – Used to track how much you or your group is doing in terms of DPS(Damage Per Second), Total Healing, and many other stats.
  • Others will be DPS Counters that can track your groups DPS, Total Damage, Total Healing and many more metrics that are helpful to be aware when doing Dungeons or Raids. Some of these will be as simple as being able to Open All of your Mail within your Mailbox with one button. The Best Add-Ons Classic World of Warcraft are mostly ones that just make life easier when playing, we will list only the must-have Addons you need before you start playing. Best Add-Ons for Classic World of Warcraft

    Wow bfa tanking addons